"The Hub" August Preview - Selling Without Being Salesy

July is coming to a close and while I don’t want to wish away summer, I am so freaking excited for our August theme inside our marketing membership program, The Hub. This month we’re taking a little departure from our classic marketing advice (don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere) and are diving into something a little more… let’s just say… boundary pushing.

That’s right, we’re going to dive into a topic that makes A LOT of people uncomfortable, yet is necessary in any business - whether your product or service based.

Turning “Selling” into “Serving”

August is all about selling. That’s right, the “s” word that makes most people squirm and conjures up visions of cheesy sales reps and pushy techniques.

Here’s the deal though, if you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, you are a sales person. There’s no getting around it. You’re constantly in a position where you have to sell yourself, your idea, your product (or service), and your business as a whole. If you aren’t doing it (or doing it well), then you’re not going to be in business for long.

It’s the reality of the situation, but that doesn’t mean that you have to jump on board with the cheap tactics or the pushy behavior. Selling doesn’t always have to give you the “icky” feeling inside. Instead, a little mindset shift can change your whole perspective and turn “selling” into “serving”.

August Masterclass

That’s what the Masterclass inside The Hub is all about this month. As a former sales rep for a few different major media companies, I consider myself a little bit of a sales expert. Throughout my time there, and my past 6 years as a business owner, I’ve sold A LOT of different things. But, the only time I’ve actually felt good about what I was selling, was when I truly believed in the product, and when I felt like I was providing more value to my customers than I was getting in return.

We’re diving deep into how you can do just that, and how you can turn the entire sales process into something you truly love.

August Guest Expert

Then we’ve invited in Sales Extraordinaire and August Guest Expert, Liza Altenburg is giving us the nitty gritty into how to close more sales. Liza specializes in coaching solopreneurs and business owners in how to create consistent, sustainable business growth (ummm… one of our favorite things here in The Hub!)

If you’ve struggled with setting up meetings, or getting in front of potential customers, and not actually getting any sales, you’ve got to watch this one. She’s got the top 3 things you’ve got to stop doing to stop sabotaging your sales process. If you truly believe in what you’re offering, then it’s probably not your product that’s failing you, it’s how you’re selling it.

On top of that, she’s got the top 3 things you should be doing if you want to close the sale. Nothing cheesy, tricky or sketchy here (do you really think I would allow that!?). We’re just talking legit ways you can frame your products/services in a better light to get people asking to buy from you.

It’s all inside The Hub this month starting tomorrow! Not a member yet? Now is your chance - Click to join for $1 for the first 7 days. You’ll get instant access to the August content, as well as our amazing archive of previous content, all for that one dollar! And then each month we’ll be bringing you new content and new themes to get your business growing.