School is in Session inside The Hub!

It's Back-to-School here inside The Hub! We're bringing you brand new Masterclasses and Training to kick start your fall marketing plan.

Is Q4 your time to shine?

Q4 and Holiday Season isn't just for Christmas Sales (although it's that's your jam, let's go!). It's a big time for many businesses as people are back from vacation, their kids are back in school, and it's time to get stuff done before the Holiday season. In this month's Masterclass I'm bringing you some GENIUS (if I do say so myself), ways to take advantage of the season and bring in some MAJOR Q4 sales.

Struggling to connect with your audience?

It could be because you're not reaching the right people. We've got Jessie McGath whose dropping some truth bombs on finding your ideal audience, connecting with them, and shifting your mindset so you can actually grow, and stop spinning your wheels.

Confused about all this Google stuff?

It's all good - you're not the only one! In the "Ask Hubble" podcast this month we're breaking down the different between Google+ and Google My Business (I know, why so confusing Google!?), as well as talking about how to get in front social media influencers and use them to grow your business online!

All of this content (PLUS one more Guest Expert training later this month) is brand new this month inside The Digital Marketing Hub!

Oh, and because you can try it out FREE for the first seven days, you can check all of this stuff WITHOUT paying a dime!

I can just hear the chorus of "Thank You's" now! (You're welcome by the way!)

.S. School is session - time to up your marketing game!