Anthony Pensabene: The 5 Minute Hack to Getting More PR For Your Business

Public Relations tips from Anthony Pensabene and Hub Digital, Rhode Island

I’ve gotten clients featured in major publications like Forbes, Inc, and The Wall Street Journal.

Before I tell you an easy way to try and replicate the success, I want you to think about how you felt reading that first sentence. Were you a bit impressed or intrigued to read on because you felt those PR wins qualify me to speak on the topic?

That’s the power of public relations! It’s necessary for every business yet not every owner has the time. Here’s how to find targeted public relations opportunities each business day in just five minutes!

What is HARO?

HARO or Help a Reporter Out is a hub where journalists find information for developing stories. Through queries, reporters seek those who can offer timely, targeted, and qualified information.
It’s a free service and a great way to get quick PR wins for your business.

How Will It Benefit My Business?

Good PR and branding involves you positioning yourself as an expert in your chosen field. But there is a catch in talking about yourself on your website, within company literature, etc -  Of course, you will endorse yourself. Any smart businessperson would!

The benefit of helping a third party or reporter, however, is having them use you as a source of objective information and in effect position you in a certain light -  as an expert in your field. You can’t buy that kind of marketing!

1. Sign-Up and Choose Categories

Once you start filling-in basic information, you’ll be asked what email alerts you want to receive on a regular basis.

Public Relations tips from Anthony Pensebane and Hub Digital, Rhode Island

2. Filter HARO Emails

You can start by choosing categories that seem most aligned with your knowledge and experience, but I suggest signing up for all of them. I do warn, however, you’ll want to filter the emails since you’ll be getting three emails per business day (morning, noon, and evening editions).

Public Relations tips from Anthony Pensabene and Hub Digital, Rhode Island

3. Comb for Keywords, Outlets, and Journalists

Once you filter HARO emails, it is easier to comb through them for PR opportunities. Search emails for keywords associated to your products, services, or industry; particular journalists who cover your industry; or, media outlets of interest.

For example, perhaps you want to see if any queries were sent from journalists at the Huffington Post. Separately, perhaps you want to know if SaaS was a topic of discussion. (I’m searching emails with a Yahoo Mail account, so your search options may differ if using Gmail, Outlook, etc.)

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4. Strike While the Query is Hot

Just as you have limited time for PR, reporters are working against the clock to gather news, write copy, and submit a story. Experts who provide thoughtful and qualified information in a timely fashion can score big.

Be meticulous in reading the query and adhering to specific directions related to your response’s heading, length, and professional endorsements that further qualify you and your information.

When crafting a response, get to-the-point and remind the reporter as to why you’re a great source of information (Refer them to case-studies, industry statistics, prior awards you’ve won, etc.)

What you know is more important than who you are in your industry. (You don’t have to own a Fortune 500 company to provide a NY Times or Wall Street Journal reporter with quality information they can publish.)

Public Relations tips from Anthony Pensebane and Hub Digital, Rhode Island

5. Realize It’s Only Been Five Minutes!

PR never sleeps, and a great PR agent is always seeking opportunity. Now you have a quick way to see if there are potential opportunities for your business. Crafting a reply that separates you from the others takes additional time, and perhaps further suggestion from a public relations service, but now you can devote (at least) five minutes per day toward PR wins!

Anthony Pensabene suggests business owners in the area seek additional PR insights from a Narragansett public relations service or one that specializes in your particular industry. Don’t dismiss the benefit of quality PR. Some owners have a strong head for business yet struggle to relate to the public. A public relations campaign helps your brand refine its voice and message to the public.