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Digital Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2020 for Small Businesses

The new year is almost upon us (I for one am PUMPED for 2020 to get here). And because the new year is all about resetting and looking ahead, I thought now is the best time to take a look into the big trends marketers are expending to see rise in 2020.

They range from emerging technologies to utilizing current resources in new ways. Some of the “old school” ways of marketing will be re-emerging (as it has been over the past few years) but will be doing so in new, innovative environments. And in 2020, the user experience will be front and center, more than it ever has before.

  1. Influencer Marketing Gets Small - Influencer marketing isn’t a new concept, but the rise in micro influencers is. Companies are now turning to individuals with smaller followers to reach hyper targeted audiences that put a significant amount of trust in them. In fact, a recent study showed that 92% of consumers trust these peer recommendations over consumer advertising. This is great news for the small business owner where local and small influencers are not only easier to find, but are much more cost effective.

  2. Live Video Reigns - Live video was where it was at in 2019 and that trend is not going away in 2020. Those of us who are not a fan of going Live on social media are out of luck, since recent stats show that Live videos on Facebook and Instagram are watched 3x longer than traditional videos. The bonus though is that although going Live may be uncomfortable to some, you can’t get any more cost effective than free!

  3. Stories Trump Newsfeeds - Since Snapchat created “My Story” other big social outlets like Facebook and Instagram have followed suit, making short form, 24 hour content all the rage. While newsfeeds can easily become crowded and filtered, the stories are easy for users to browse through. In addition, because they expire after 24 hours, users are constantly engaged with them, under the fear of missing something.

  4. Tik Tok is Taking Over - If you haven’t heard of Tik Tok yet (formerly known as you may want to pick up your phone and download the app. The short form video app allows users to create fast edited or behind the scenes videos. While the audience is still younger than most ideal targets, Tik Tok is quickly rising in influence and is becoming one of the top new social outlets to look out for in the new year.

  5. Content Marketing Becomes Engaging - Content marketing isn’t going anywhere, but what it is doing is transforming into a more engaging tool. Content marketing should encourage feedback or action. Users are looking to quizzes, polls, questions or games to engage with instead of passively reading content. Think about how you can create an entire experience from your content and inspire interaction (or action) after your blog or video is over.

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