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Creating Instagram Worthy Images From Your Phone

Do you have Instagram jealousy?

We've all been there. You're scrolling through your Instagram feed and you come acress that account that always seems to have those gorgeous images. Their images look sharp, clean and attention grabbing. Their profile looks cohesive and they seem to have "it" - that thing that sets them apart from your blurry, dark iPhone shots.

Now, while I'm no photographer, I can point you towards one that has some amazing tips on how to take to better shots (and bonus, the advice does not involve a very expensive camera!). 

But, what I can help you with, is how to better edit those photos after you've taken them. While Instagram filters are the OG (don't get me wrong, I love a good filter), there is actually a better way to do it.

Check out the video below to learn more about my favorite way to create Instagram worthy photos, and get my step-by-step walkthrough of exactly how to do it.

Want even more marketing hacks? Make sure you follow me on Instagram and IGTV! Every Tuesday a new one is posted!